stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Friday, June 09, 2006

Stitching the way to London

...testing, testing 123
My first trip into the virtual world of blogging. Because I run internet travel websites, people often get the false impression that I am somewhat of a geek. Truth be told, I'm far, far removed from geekdom. Actually the geeks at my old job nick named me "the lowest common denominator" because I was so dense when it came to all things geeky. Whenever they built a new webpage or online system I would be the first one to find the most bizarre way in which to break it. Seriously, just taking any sort of electronics out of the box makes smoke come out of my ears. When my husband and kids read this they will all be scratching their heads with wonder to realize that I successfully set up this blog and got it to work.

When I launched , I thought a blog would be the best way to
communicate with everyone. I also thought it would be a great way to channel my excitement about our upcoming trip to London. I actually scheduled today as the day to get this blog launched. I did achieve my goal (well ...that is if this all works when I press the publish button). As usual, I did get a bit sidetracked this morning. To my delight, USA Today decided to publish a blip in their Friday Destinations section about our London Knit Trip! I've answered all the inquiries, including a request from a London newspaper reporter wanting to schedule an interview that will run in London! Some would call it quitting time...but I call it "knitting time"!

Truth be told, tonight will be even busier. My daughter Vanessa and two of my stitch & bitch pals have decided to sell their yarn art to help fund their London excursions. Tonight I'll be helping the cause by felting flower jewlery to be sold at a craft show in Nazareth PA tomorrow.
Felting is far less painful than programming...that is, unless you miss with that needle!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


it will be great to welcome you and your tour group to London! I'll be working at Ally Pally for the 4 days on the Relax and Knit stand where we teach beginners to knit and crochet so if anyone wants to hang out they'll be welcome.

I'll happily share some of my favourite shopping / knitting places in London if it will help make the trip more enjoyable

5:02 AM  
Blogger Sally Black said...

Very Pleased to meet you Yvonne!
I know the girls are anxious to make some new knit friends across the pond and we certainly welcome taking you up on your kind offer!

8:46 AM  

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