stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Fish & Chips Happy Father's Day!

Meet my Dad Salvatore
...hence where I got the name Sally. He's Italian and like all good Italians, his nickname is Murphy because back in his "yout" (to quote the movie "My Cousin Vinny") he looked more Irish than Italian, sporting handsome blond curls and Paul Newman Blue Eyes! I adore my Father! Somehow he always looks like a deer in front of headlights in every photo we have of him. For 87 years old, he's in better shape than most of us...except for his hearing. He's deaf as a doorknob!

This morning I went out to breakfast at our local diner with my son Jared and my Dad. Jared just returned from a job hunting trip to the UK. It looks like he was offered a job in Iceland working for which we're all very excited about (keep your finger's crossed knitsters...oh, sorry, hard to do that AND knit but you know what I mean!). Jared was telling Dad and I about his adventures in England. When he was finished I said that I had some news from England too.

I explained that thanks to this blog I had met a delightful woman online named Yvonne who was director of the knitting and crochet guild in London. She works at the "Relax and Knit stand" at the London show teaching knitting and crocheting to newbies. I told the boys how excited I was that Yvonne graciously extended an invite to our group to join her stitch & bitch group after the show on Thursday night during our trip. I concluded the conversation by turning to my father and loudly announcing..."Isn't that great! This nice woman Yvonne invited our group for Stitch & Bitch in London!" which my darling father replied..."Fish & Chips!...She invited you for Fish & Chips!...I LOVE Fish and Chips...back when I was in the war in Australia that was my favorite thing to eat!"
Luckily I had my knitting with me so that I could wave it in his face and shout..."NO Dad...not Fish & chips....Stitch and bitch" which I got his usual reply...
"OH, So why didn't you say so in the first place!"

Sigh...I love you Dad! You always make life so interesting!


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