stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

being a Virgin...Atlantic passenger

Our group to London is divided. Some of the girls are savvy world adventurers and the others are first time travelers to London. I guess that would make them travel virgins. I remember the very first time I flew to London...I flew Virgin Airlines. They were kewl, the staff was fun and I actually enjoyed the experience of flying. My old company decided to set up shop in London so I had to spend a great deal of time flying back and forth. I always insisted on flying Virgin because...they were different.

Virgin is actually a huge UK corporation headed by the very colorful character Sir Richard Branson. Branson has always been known as a maverick but I know him as a man with a huge heart. Four years ago, he did an in depth article in Fortune magazine discussing his life long trials with dyslexia. My daughter also struggles with auditory and visual dyslexia. I had to read the article to her. She was so inspired by Sir Richard's attitude that she wrote him a thank you letter. I sent the letter off to the Virgin offices figuring it was like spending off a message in a bottle. Two days later we received a very heartfelt letter from Sir Richard along with an invite to come and have dinner with him in London. It was the experience of a lifetime for us both and I do not think there are words to describe how empowered he made my daughter feel. He taught my daughter to be fearless. She went home and won awards in public speaking, sent "Uncle Richard" a photo of herself bungee jumping in New Zealand and was inspired to start her own career in the hospitality industry. His time and compassion really helped to change my daughter's life.

So Virgin airlines is beyond kewl in my book thanks to Sir Richard. In these days of unethical
businesses wheeling and dealing it's so refreshing to meet an industry tycoon that leads a corporation with a conscience. Sir Richard has been on the TV a lot lately. He's been covering the US media circuit along with Al Gore announcing that he is pledging $3 Billion dollars toward
finding solutions to help global warming Perhaps finding alternative fuels will help him with his endeavors for Virgin Galactic where for $200,000.00 per person, Sir Richard will fly you into outer space. (no...I'm not kidding). This man really thinks "out of the box" and that is what makes him so very successful.

So I fly Virgin Airlines to London because they truly are different thanks to the leadership of Sir Richard. He can fly people to outer space, save the planet and take time to have dinner with my kid....What a Guy!"


Blogger Mary said...

I hope you'll have another knitting trip to London in the near future. Wish I'd known about the last one!

10:26 AM  

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