stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Friday, August 04, 2006

MIA & Lost photos.

OK, it's been a while and I apologize. I set this insane expectation on myself to always have a photo along with my blog...silly I know. I take the photos, and then family members do crazy things with the camera which results in lost time and no photos.
I did have some photos from the Phila knit and crochet show. One photo was of our lunch. Nine of us traveling on our London trip met at the Phila show and it was great fun! Somehow when I went to retrieve this photo I instead found dozens of shots of my husband's salt water aquarium. The show was fabulous! I took design classes with Gwen Bortner, Melissa Leapman and Lily Chin. All have their very own tricks and techniques to creating sweater patterns. As Lily uses the least amount of math, I used her ideas to FINALLY pattern a knit jacket out of my "honeymoon yarn". I PROMISE I'll post a photo of this soon...PROMISE as it turned out divine!

Since my last post, I also completed a 2000 mile road trip moving my youngest daughter home from her internship in West Palm Beach Florida. During her last day of work I had the time to visit several South Florida Yarn shops with with my new friend Joan Davis...a very talented crochet designer that I met at the Phila show. Joan brought me to two of the "Great Balls of Yarn" shops in Palm Beach and I felt right at home. First because the owner Robin is a local girl from Bethlehem PA and secondly because these shops carried all of Kraemer's yarns from our local yarn mill. Joan is just flashy and fabulous and I really enjoyed my day out with her!

Back at work, I've been finalizing all the travel details for our London Trip AND helped arrange
a fabulous cruise with Stitch & Bitch queen Debbie Stoller which is hosted by the Bonita Knitting Store of San Diego California. Also starting to work on 2007 itineraries so it's not like I haven't been busy!

What little free time I have, I've actually started some of my own designs. I have this grandiose idea of publishing a pattern book some day that relates to all of my travels. I will either shock myself or end up with a wet felted mess in my washer so stay tuned!


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