stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Monday, December 18, 2006

Clicky Christmas

I started out being very proud of myself this holiday season. Like most knitters, I create this
overwhelming stress of trying to complete unbelievable knitted feats as gifts for loved ones.
This year I said "NO"...I will resist the temptation of doing this to myself. I mean, who needs the added stress.
Over the past year I've taken up contract knitting for several friends/designers/yarn companies. It's fun and the extra bit of mad money always comes in handy when I go on yarn safaris. A baby sweater here, a scarf there...I learn a great deal and it often helps to keep my sanity when my lovable husband is watching the sci-fi channel.
OK so it all started last month...a baby sweater for a yarn catelog shoot, a tunic sweater for a designer friend, four sweaters for a yarn company and a cape for another yarn company. So for the past couple of weeks I've been averaging a sweater every four days. In between I've been working, finishing the Alice Starmore sweater for my husband to wear on Christmas AND to top it off both my Dad and youngest daughter had "fender benders"...two in two days. Everyone is fine...including me, thanks to aspircreme on my hands at bedtime. I would love to post photos of all of these projects but as they have not been published yet by their respected companies I cannot. Ho, Ho, Ho and SO much for no holiday knitting stress this year!


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