stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Monday, April 02, 2007

Edie Eckman's Dreams Cancun weekend

I do try to blog but lately life just keeps getting in the way. I did want to share with everyone a bit about the fabulous time we all had in Cancun with Edie Eckman.

First may I say our accommodations at Dreams Resort and Spa in Cancun were superb! The staff there went out of their way for us. Everyone in our group raved about the resort and the only complaint that I kept hearing over and over from everyone was that the trip should have been seven nights long instead of only three....I have to agree!

When I first approached Edie about doing this trip, she wanted to offer it to both knitters and crocheters. Indeed we did have a bit of both types of stitchers and it was really fun having both camps represented. Edie held one full day of class. In the morning, after much capuccino we dove into Math for Stitchers...everything you always needed to figure out but, if you are like me, are too embarrassed to ask! Yardage estimates, ounces to grams, figuring out sleeve or neck slopes. Amazingly all of my numbers worked out perfectly and I am the world's worst when it comes to doing math....perhaps it was my banana daiquiri but I really do think it was because Edie is such an excellent teacher. After lunch, we dove into finishing you need to finish your project before you even begin. Planning, stitching and making everything perfect. After class was done, we then dove into the ocean!
Admittedly it was a bit hard to concentrate on class when you could look out on to a beautiful inviting azure ocean. (the all inclusive bar did help, especially during the math class!)
This time around we did have a few husbands in tow. A couple of them played golf while their wives knit. One of the husbands is an avid knitter and it was really fun having a bit of testosterone in class for a change.
One of the girls in our group, made a great point. It seems someone made a comment about her traveling alone with a group of strangers to knit and she responded...I won't be alone, I'll be returning home with a whole new group of friends. And she was certainly right about that.
Everyone had such an amazing time together. Don't be surprised if you see a Second annual
Dreams week with Edie Eckman coming in 2008!

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