stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Monday, April 02, 2007

Edie Eckman's Dreams Cancun weekend

I do try to blog but lately life just keeps getting in the way. I did want to share with everyone a bit about the fabulous time we all had in Cancun with Edie Eckman.

First may I say our accommodations at Dreams Resort and Spa in Cancun were superb! The staff there went out of their way for us. Everyone in our group raved about the resort and the only complaint that I kept hearing over and over from everyone was that the trip should have been seven nights long instead of only three....I have to agree!

When I first approached Edie about doing this trip, she wanted to offer it to both knitters and crocheters. Indeed we did have a bit of both types of stitchers and it was really fun having both camps represented. Edie held one full day of class. In the morning, after much capuccino we dove into Math for Stitchers...everything you always needed to figure out but, if you are like me, are too embarrassed to ask! Yardage estimates, ounces to grams, figuring out sleeve or neck slopes. Amazingly all of my numbers worked out perfectly and I am the world's worst when it comes to doing math....perhaps it was my banana daiquiri but I really do think it was because Edie is such an excellent teacher. After lunch, we dove into finishing you need to finish your project before you even begin. Planning, stitching and making everything perfect. After class was done, we then dove into the ocean!
Admittedly it was a bit hard to concentrate on class when you could look out on to a beautiful inviting azure ocean. (the all inclusive bar did help, especially during the math class!)
This time around we did have a few husbands in tow. A couple of them played golf while their wives knit. One of the husbands is an avid knitter and it was really fun having a bit of testosterone in class for a change.
One of the girls in our group, made a great point. It seems someone made a comment about her traveling alone with a group of strangers to knit and she responded...I won't be alone, I'll be returning home with a whole new group of friends. And she was certainly right about that.
Everyone had such an amazing time together. Don't be surprised if you see a Second annual
Dreams week with Edie Eckman coming in 2008!

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Decadent Diamond Hoodie

Happy Groundhogs day everyone!
This is a very big day here in the hills of PA.
Yet another reason to celebrate, I finished knitting this gorgeous hoodie for Decadent Fibers . It was designed by my dear pal and fab designer Kate Lemmers seen here modeling it for us in the photo. Done in a yarn called Creme Brulee which is a blend of Merino, Mohair and Silk...definitely decadent! The lace trim on this is simply gorgeous with a collection of diamond points. I'm not 100% sure that decadent diamond hoodie will be the official name of this pattern but that's what I've been calling it.

When I'm not selling travel, I'm contract knitting for
designers and yarn companies. Not an activity for faint hearted knitters but I love the challenge. I find myself knitting and troubleshooting patterns that I might not necessarily choose to do myself. It's a great experience, a fun time collaborating with other fiber arteests and the mad money keeps me in yarn too. Now it's off to finish the purple tunic tip for KnitPicks!


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Stitch & Beach Cruise with Debbie Stoller

I swear I don't know where the days fly by to???
Wasn't it just New years and now it's coming up on Groundhog's day.
(which is a very big event here in Pennsylvania!)

Anyhow I wanted to share a link with some of the photos from our Stitch & beach cruise
with Debbie Stoller. Sadly I couldn't make it out of the office for this one which was a real
pity because all the girls were so wonderful to meet via email and phone. You can certain
tell by the photos a fun time was had by all.

I've been busy trying to sort out more itineraries for 2007. The details are mind boggling but all worth it to see smiling faces like these happily stitching. Stay tuned....

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Christmas Starmore

This was my Christmas present to myself this year...seeing my wonderful husband Brian wearing the Alice Starmore Inishmore sweater that I made for him. I casted this sweater on February 2006 and finished it a week before Christmas. It does still need a good blocking but the stitching is so dense that I feared it would not dry in time for a Christmas morning debut. Several times during the making of this aran I admittedly had to put these needles down and step away. It was a challenge to say the least!

Last year Brian complained that I had knitted items for just about everyone but him. My sister-in-law Dawn suggested it was that old superstitious fear of knitting a complicated sweater for your beloved only to have them break up with you. Honestly it was more about all of those little gifts that often take time away from the truly important people in our lives...a baby sweater as a gift for colleague, a pair of socks for your friend, etc. When people know you as a knitter there is always that added pressure for home made gifts which all take away your free time. Brian requested "a traditional Aran made the old fashion way not a typical touristy Celtic sweater". My friend Eleanor from Kraemer's Yarn shop in Nazareth suggested that a Starmore pattern was what Brian wanted. Eleanor has had the priviledged of taking class with Alice Starmore herself. I was excited to take on this challenge but it was a long road...Certainly not a relaxing project or one for the faint hearted knitters of the world. Eleanor is a world class knitter who has been a long time pattern knitter and trouble-shooter for many of the stars of the knitting world. Many local knitting mortals take her words of advice to heart. That said, I must admit that I did have a few occasions during the making of this sweater where I had muttered a few choice words for Eleanor!

To add to some of the discouragement, I actually had the opportunity to speak with Alice Starmore herself during the making of this sweater. I had telephoned her with the hope of having her participate in an upcoming Scotland tour. Let's just say the telephone conversation did not go very well and this made me want to pack away my needles even more.

But I persevered and finished all of the knitting. Eleanor is an incredible finisher. Seriously you often can't tell how she has put sweaters together with invisible seams and no ends to be found. My pal Kate kindly informed Eleanor that since she had been responsible for getting me involved in this sweater in the first place, I felt that she should take on the responsibility of helping me finish it. So Eleanor was kind enough to invite me for an afternoon of knitting where she shared some of her finishing techniques with me. I also asked Eleanor to inspect the sweater with her eagle-eyes and I was amazed that she only found two small mistakes (a shocking miracle to me). She also showed me a trick to fix both mistakes without anyone being the wiser.

So when I say this was my present to me it really was. After this project I have to say I am now a fearless knitter. I can't tell you the pride I felt with Brian showing off his sweater to friends and family on Christmas day. I graciously accepted the compliments. During one of my more heated moments constructing this sweater I "explained" to Brian that if he ever dirtied,
dog-haired or bled on this sweater it would be grounds for divorce. I think the part that made me feel the best was when we sat down to dinner and he used his cloth napkin as a bib.
Now that is true love in the spirit of the season ;-)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Clicky Christmas

I started out being very proud of myself this holiday season. Like most knitters, I create this
overwhelming stress of trying to complete unbelievable knitted feats as gifts for loved ones.
This year I said "NO"...I will resist the temptation of doing this to myself. I mean, who needs the added stress.
Over the past year I've taken up contract knitting for several friends/designers/yarn companies. It's fun and the extra bit of mad money always comes in handy when I go on yarn safaris. A baby sweater here, a scarf there...I learn a great deal and it often helps to keep my sanity when my lovable husband is watching the sci-fi channel.
OK so it all started last month...a baby sweater for a yarn catelog shoot, a tunic sweater for a designer friend, four sweaters for a yarn company and a cape for another yarn company. So for the past couple of weeks I've been averaging a sweater every four days. In between I've been working, finishing the Alice Starmore sweater for my husband to wear on Christmas AND to top it off both my Dad and youngest daughter had "fender benders"...two in two days. Everyone is fine...including me, thanks to aspircreme on my hands at bedtime. I would love to post photos of all of these projects but as they have not been published yet by their respected companies I cannot. Ho, Ho, Ho and SO much for no holiday knitting stress this year!

Monday, December 04, 2006

London Fog....

OK...sorry to my blogger pals that I haven't posted since our return from London. Between the jet lag, work, new itineraries, work, the January Stitch & Beach cruise, work, all my contract knitting, work, adjusting my thyroid medicine and oh yes, have I mentioned work?...well admittedly I've been in a fog since London. The Ally Pally show was awesome verging on overwhelming. For future reference, this show encompasses just about all of the needlearts from knitting, crochet, sewing, felting etc. London, as always, was WONDERFUL! It's such a vibrant city with so much to see and do. It was really fascinating from my perspective to see how just about everyone on this trip enjoyed a unique itinerary of their own. Everyone had a completely different wish list of places that they particularly wanted to visit. It was so much fun and I look forward to returning to London soon. I promise not to be such a stranger from this if I can just get those 6 sweaters done my Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

being a Virgin...Atlantic passenger

Our group to London is divided. Some of the girls are savvy world adventurers and the others are first time travelers to London. I guess that would make them travel virgins. I remember the very first time I flew to London...I flew Virgin Airlines. They were kewl, the staff was fun and I actually enjoyed the experience of flying. My old company decided to set up shop in London so I had to spend a great deal of time flying back and forth. I always insisted on flying Virgin because...they were different.

Virgin is actually a huge UK corporation headed by the very colorful character Sir Richard Branson. Branson has always been known as a maverick but I know him as a man with a huge heart. Four years ago, he did an in depth article in Fortune magazine discussing his life long trials with dyslexia. My daughter also struggles with auditory and visual dyslexia. I had to read the article to her. She was so inspired by Sir Richard's attitude that she wrote him a thank you letter. I sent the letter off to the Virgin offices figuring it was like spending off a message in a bottle. Two days later we received a very heartfelt letter from Sir Richard along with an invite to come and have dinner with him in London. It was the experience of a lifetime for us both and I do not think there are words to describe how empowered he made my daughter feel. He taught my daughter to be fearless. She went home and won awards in public speaking, sent "Uncle Richard" a photo of herself bungee jumping in New Zealand and was inspired to start her own career in the hospitality industry. His time and compassion really helped to change my daughter's life.

So Virgin airlines is beyond kewl in my book thanks to Sir Richard. In these days of unethical
businesses wheeling and dealing it's so refreshing to meet an industry tycoon that leads a corporation with a conscience. Sir Richard has been on the TV a lot lately. He's been covering the US media circuit along with Al Gore announcing that he is pledging $3 Billion dollars toward
finding solutions to help global warming Perhaps finding alternative fuels will help him with his endeavors for Virgin Galactic where for $200,000.00 per person, Sir Richard will fly you into outer space. (no...I'm not kidding). This man really thinks "out of the box" and that is what makes him so very successful.

So I fly Virgin Airlines to London because they truly are different thanks to the leadership of Sir Richard. He can fly people to outer space, save the planet and take time to have dinner with my kid....What a Guy!"