stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Thursday, September 21, 2006

London Night in East Stroudsburg PA

About half of our group had a fun "hen's night out" last night. We all met at Joanne's shop
Mountain Knits and Pearls in East Stroudsburg to knit and talk about last minute details for our upcoming UK trip...THANK YOU Joanne for your warm and fuzzy hospitality, it's always fun to be surrounded by that much beautiful yarn!

A few details to add to last night's conversations...

Our flight schedule
Depart Virgin flight VS2 Tues Oct 10 Newark at 9:45 pm - Arrive Heathrow Oct 11 at 9:25am
Return Virgin flight VS1 Tues Oct 17 Heathrow at 4pm - Arrive Newark Oct 17 at 6:40pm
Seat assignments have been done for us as a group and I should be getting the list shortly which I will gladly pass along to you in. If we can switch or juggle seats amongst ourselves that's fine or I can work with Virgin to make any other changes.

Virgin has just updated their entire website with lots of new features and more information. Click to Virgin Passenger Information for answers to question about luggage size, weight, on-board features and services etc. They now offer online check-in! Simply log into their website, the same link that I've listed here, 24 hours prior to our departure and fill our the
required check in information. Then print out your check in pass. This way when we arrive at the airport we can go straight to the head of the line, hand over our checked luggage, flash our ID's and off we go to the gate...MUCH easier!!!!

Our group guided tour of London will happen on Wed, the day we arrive. Our guide and transportation will meet us at our hotel at 2pm, tour the city, visit the Tower of London and
return us back to the hotel some time around 6pm. It will be a LONG day but a memorable one.

Check the Transportation Security Administration for a US list of prohibited airline carry on items and additional packing/luggage information.

Here is the link for the UK department of transport airline security list regarding carry on luggage sizes and restricted carry on items. So far is the US is allowing knitting needles, chances are the Brits will too. I'll keep trying to find out but I can always ask at Heathrow when we arrive so that we'll be prepared for our flight home.

The three websites that I suggest for finding events, restaurants, maps, travel tips etc about London are Londontown , Visit London and Time Out .

For a list of London West End theater offerings along with complete reviews of what each show has to offer... Click here

I checked about Thames boats and river cruises. The Travelcard that I included in your tour package allows you 1/3 discount on river cruises booked directly in London. There is a LONG
map, fare and timetable that can be read or printed by clicking here

For those of you who are interested in purchasing additional tours and paying by credit cards, Virgin requires a credit card authorization form so I'll be emailing that off as soon as I get it.
If it's easier to just send me a check, that's fine and I'll charge it on my company card.

I think I've remembered to address everyone's questions and concerns...if I forgot something ladies, just let me know.

And just for the fun of it, Lauren was kind enough to send over a link of British translations
which should add to some of the giggles from last night.

Now...if I could just decide on what type of knitting project I want to bring along for the ride!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lily Chin and the Honeymoon Sweater

Check out one of my recent accomplishments. I call it my "honeymoon sweater" and it has a great travel story behind it...

Remember I mentioned that I ran into Lily Chin on Sunday at the NYC Knit out. Sorry I didn't grab a photo as Lily was all decked out in this gorgeous lavender crocheted frock that was simply to die for. I met Lily this past summer when I enrolled in her all day design class at the Phila. Knit and Crochet show. Please understand how hesitant I was about taking her class in the first place. I had heard rumors that she was a very fast moving, no-nonsense teacher. I've always dreamed of designing my own sweaters but I am "mathematically challenged". As much as I feared taking Lily's design course I had a tremendous need to do so...

In 1999, I dragged my husband Brian to Scotland on our honeymoon. I have traveled to Scotland more times and I can count. I used to date a Glaswegian. I didn't fall in love with him but I fell madly in love with his country. Brian didn't think Scotland was an appropriate place for a honeymoon. Since we were there, Madonna and Prince Charles both spent their honeymoons there too so we feel like trendsetters even if we don't own our own castle. If I was to say that Brian and I had a fabulous time, it would certainly be an understatement. We spent 10 glorious days just driving around, exploring all the beautiful sights. As a matter of fact, when we got home Brian changed his email address to which I think sums up both our opinions of the place very nicely.

For those of you who have never been, I think there are more sheep in Scotland than there are people. While driving thru the highlands, it's not uncommon to have to get out of your car and shoo the fuzzy beasts off the road. Now the irony in all of this is, for 10 days as we drove along, I kept a eagle eye out for a yarn shops (aka sheep shops as they are called over there). I REALLY wanted to buy some wonderful wool as a souvenir of our honeymoon. We covered a lot of territory and asked a lot of locals but sadly, there were no yarn shops. I did find out later that much of Scottish wool these days goes into carpeting and sadly not into hand-knitting fibers

Very early on the last morning of our trip, we were driving down a remote road on the Isle of Skye when I let out a scream. Brian slammed on the brakes and there it was...a sheep shop!!! I gleefully hopped out of the car but it was Sunday morning and the shop was closed. I know my fellow yarn sisters can appreciate the tremendous disappointment that I experienced at that moment. It became overwhelming as I sadly pressed my nose against the glass of this beautiful little stone cottage and saw gorgeous yarns, just beyond my reach. I stared thru the window for some time. Brian grew impatient, telling me to "give it up". Just then a man popped his head from around the back of the shop, called us over and introduced himself as Theo in a thick South American accent. He was dying wool in huge pots over an open campfire. He said if we'd sit and have a cup of tea with him while he finished, that he would gladly open the shop for us. He kept Brian entertained with colorful conversation as I watched him dye and hang all of his wool to dry on the back fence with breath taking scenery in the back ground.

As we chatted he told us how he too had visited Scotland, fell in love with the place, married a local girl and settled down. His had learned the fiber arts back home in South America and decided to use his talents to open a yarn shop because his wife loved to knit. As he brought us thru the back door, I knew I had found home. It was a tiny thatched roof shop with two spinning wheels near the hearth, filled to the rafters with all sorts of luxury yarns in the most beautiful rainbow of colors. I immediately spotted some unusual purplish wool full of "sheep curls" as Theo called it. It was so soft and felt like my mother's old Persian Lamb Theo eyeballed me up and down, grabbed several balls with curls and he swore it would be "plenty to make a jumper" (aka "sweater" as they say across the pond). The price of this wool was "dear" but it didn't matter...I now had the perfect honeymoon yarn! Theo's wife Toni appeared and insisted we stay for breakfast. We enjoyed a wonderful visit as they told us about all the hidden local sights to visit that tourists never hear about. Brian and I both hated to leaving Theo and Mary's cottage but I must say the rest of the day turned into a wonderful adventure that we will never forget. Brian and I hiked in the higlands, explored all the sights they told us about, saw seals, puffins and some of the world's most magnificent scenery.

OK...honeymoon over and back to reality. The pressure is on to turn Theo's happy, honeymoon yarn into the perfect "jumper". I knew exactly what I wanted. I had a favorite short jacket that I wore during the week with business suits and with jeans on the weekends. I wanted to find a comparable pattern that I could recreate this jacket with my honeymoon yarn. First I couldn't find a the right pattern. honeymoon yarn was a complete nightmare to knit with. It felt wonderful in your hands but it went from the size of tiny crochet thread to thick inch curls. It was impossible to gauge. So instead of stuffing it with the rest of my stash, I put my prized honeymoon yarn on a self in my walk in closet. I would look at it every morning when I got dressed and every night as I put my pj's on. Just looking at it would instantly transport me to my happy place. On bad days I would run my fingers over the curls and smile.

Fast forward to the summer of 2006. I find myself sitting in Lily's class. Yes, she is quick, very no-nonsense and I did feel rather intimidated as class began. Technically it was a crochet design class but I had hoped to glean any bit of knowledge that would help me. As the class hummed along I began to feel less intimidated. Lily taught several different methods for pattern design saying how no one method is correct but that you have to do whatever it takes to make it work. So Lily gave me the permission to be free with my problem-solving...Hmmm I'm liking this idea! Later she demostrated how to take existing garments to create new patterns. she showed us how to draw a pattern, similar to a sewing pattern but relate it to yarns. That's when it hit me...duh...that bolt from the blue...when that little light bulb appears over your head like in the cartoons...and I remember raising my hand and asking her..."So Lily, what you're saying is that we can create a coloring book with our patterns and then just "color" in between the lines with our stitches?"...and Lily yelled... "Exactly!"....EUREKA!!!! problem solved!!!!!!!!

So I ran home (ok I drove home really fast), pulled out my thread-worn favorite jacket, did what Lily said, created a pattern on old newspaper, pulled out my honeymoon yarn and began to nervously knit. Absolutely no math involved what so ever! It didn't matter a bit about the gauge...I just knit between the lines, increasing and decreasing as necessary. Low and behold it worked!!! And as a side note, when I said that I was knitting nervously I wasn't kidding. When I was finished I had precisely 8 inches of my honeymoon yarn to spare. Theo was pretty "spot on" with his estimates too.

So when I saw Lily this past Sunday I attacked her with a huge hug and a big kiss on the cheek and I yelled "LILY CHIN YOU"RE A GENIUS!!!!"(I think I scared the poor woman at first!). I told her the edited version of this story. She was disappointed that I didn't bring a photo to show her. I finished my sweater just as Brian and I celebrated our 7th anniversary this year. I can't wait for the weather to turn cold so that I can wear my honeymoon sweater. It weighs a ton and it is SO warm which is great cause I'm always freezing. It's so cuddly and every time I slip it on I feel like I'm wrapping myself in all my wonderful memories that I created with Brian in Scotland. I'm hoping to find the perfect button/clasp when I'm over in UK as nothing I've found yet here in the states seems fitting.

So Thanks Lily...for helping to make my honeymoon sweater come to life!
...and I can't wait till your new book comes out so that make that gorgeous sweater tunic set!
Also just want to let everyone know that I hope to plan a trip back to Scotland to visit Theo & Toni for the Summer 2007!

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Great NY Knit Out

What a FABULOUS day I had at the NYC Knit out yesterday!

First off, I got to spend the entire day with my two beautiful daughters, Vanessa my avid knitter and Ariane, my newbie knitter who honestly had more fun in nearby boutiques shopping for clothes. To me it was like mother's day in Sept.

Besides all that, I got to chat with many knitting celebs...LILY CHIN kindly rembered me from taking her class in Philadelphia as I await her new book so that I can make her fabulous tunic/skirt set...NICKY EPSTEIN who I'm thrilled to report will be giving a private class for our upcoming London group...CANDI JENSEN the brave women uniting knitters and crocheters everywhere. Of course I was too busy schmoozing to have my camera with me during these meetings. Thankfully my daughters appreciate their mother being scatter-brained (ok they thrive on it but that is another story). Vanessa was ready with camera in hand when I finally got to meet one of my very favorite knitters... THE YARN HARLOT!!!

Just in case some of you have been asleep, out buying yarn or just not paying attention, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is the author of At Knit's End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too MuchYarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter and Knitting Rules! The Yarn Harlot's Bag of Knitting Tricks as well as a wonderful blog on her website. If you haven't read her work yet, make friends with Stephanie!!! My yarn sister Kate gave me a copy of The Yarn Harlot. Once I started it, I couldn't put it down (OK, my husband yanked it out of my hand one night as I was laughing out loud while he was trying to sleep so I was forced to put it down for a short while).
Then my travel agent pal Suzie recently showed up on our trip to Mexico with a very sweet gift...a copy of At Knit's End which I enjoyed while under a shady palapa on the beach (or plop-a as Suzie and I call them...cause it's where you plop down with all your stuff).

Fans of her blog will know that poor Steph has been at wit's end lately juggling deadlines for her new book, a computer crash and her whistle-stop tour. You've got to admire a woman that can do all this and still keep on smiling and knitting. For all the enjoyement that she's given me I wanted to do something nice for Steph. I made her the pin that she's wearing in the photo designed by my other yarn sister Clara. Stephanie graciously signed my books and SURPRISE...Vanessa lended up winning a copy of Knitting Rules as one of the door prizes at the Knit Out! Steph bumped Nessi to the front of a VERY long line of fans and signed her new book too.

Steph said she'd like to do a trip with stay tuned! Hopefully if the yarn gods are smiling, the stars align and Stephanie schedule allows it, it will happen.

Also, maybe it's the wire framed glasses and matching knit pin, curly hair or that dazed look that comes from traveling long distances and spending WAY too much time in front of a computer thinking about knitting but do you think we kinda look alike?... or is it just me being weird?

Friday, September 15, 2006

The UK in Hollywood

I think my fascination with the UK all started back when I was a kid. I'm not sure if it began with seeing the Beetles on Ed Sullivan or rather with the first time I saw Mary Poppins on the big screen. This point is still up for debate but I do love just about all cinema having to do with the British Isles. This past weekend's blockbuster was V FOR VENDETTA which was a fabulous movie until they blew up big ben.

I love and I recently sorted thru the list of all the movies we've rented. Even I was amazed at all the UK related movies we've viewed. Here are some of my UK cinema favorites...

HIGHLANDER MOVIES - Duncan McLeod of the Clan McLeod
any WALLACE & GROMIT - anything by Nick Parks
FORMULA 51 - Samuel Jackson in a kilt!
Any 007 MOVIE - Any Sean Connery movie for that matter
SLIDING DOORS - interesting plot
THE COMMITMENTS - best blues
MRS. BROWN - have kleenex handy
THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO LITTLE - Bill Murrray is hilarious
and of course, my all time silly, favority Brit Movie 4 WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL!

I personally guarantee all of these movies are great to knit to!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Como esta? Yes you can fly with knitting gear.

Hola Amigas....como esta?
Just getting back from a week's vacation in Mexico.
My husband thought it would be funny to "catch me in action"...while others are soaking up the sun I'm huddled in the shade knitting. Luckily the camera lens was fogged due to an air conditioned room and then a very hot beach. I say luckily because the diffuse look certainly does improve my cellulite. That's my travel agent pal Suzie with me...she's the sun worshiping Goddess from Chicago. I really wanted to try to teach her to knit...brought yarn and needles for her and everything but no luck this time around. (I'll keep at her don't worry!)

We had a fabulous stay at Sunscape Puerto Aventuras and Dreams Cancun which are two of my all time favorite hotels. Muchas Gracias to all my friends there!!!!

As I'm now on countdown for our London Knit trip I was concerned about whether or not knitters would be allowed to take our gear in our carry on bags. I specifically flew thru Newark airport so that I could speak with security officials there directly. The good new is that knitting needles are now allowed on board in carry on luggage. One of the security officials gave me a link to a great security website for the Transportation Security Administration . Here you can find a detailed complete list of items that can or cannot be taken on board as carry on items...and yes, knitting needles are now OK to bring in your carry on bags.

I can say that we did experience an additional screening this time around at the gate before we could board our flights. All carry on bags were checked a final time. All liquids and food items had to be disposed of before passengers were allowed to board the planes. Each bag was thoroughly hand searched for any liquid, gel, food or illegal items.

So for now, it's back to work but at least it's only 28 days till London!