stitchaway knitter

The views of a traveler as seen thru the eyes of a knitter. The ramblings and unravelings of Sally Black the Chief Knit Wit of

Thursday, July 13, 2006

OOOooooEEEeee Baby!!!!

Well knitting fans, it has been a very exciting and exhilarating week and this weekend promises more of the same! I spent the day Wed. at the career development day at the Philly knit and crochet show. I learned so much and it was such fun but I was distracted by work in a VERY excellent way...

I've had the pleasure of working with Susan Schlesinger of helping to organize a cruise to Mexico on the Carnival Paradise. This is a 4 night itinerary departing Jan 15, 2007 sailing from Long Beach California to Catelina Island and Ensenada Mexico. This sailing coincides with the TNNA show which will be held in San Diego Jan 13-15.

OK...a knitting and crochet cruise you say...what's the big deal???

Well...what would you say if I told you THE Debbie Stoller of Stitch and Bitch fame, best selling
author, knitting guru, the happiest of hookers, the woman behind and editor of Bust Magazine will be joining us on this adventure on the high seas! Yeppers...classes, book signings and face time with the woman herself.

Please forgive me as we're ironing out the final details. I hope to have everything, all the knitty gritty posted on our website by next week. As a preview, just know cruise only prices (including taxes, port charges, gratuities and travel insurance) will start from $429.00 for an inside cabin.
Classes and materials will be additional. Reservations will be on a first come basis with deposit to confirm your space due by August 11. If you want to join us on this cruise YOU WILL NEED A VALID US PASSPORT!!! more time for those of you who are stitching, counting and reading this all at the same time...that line was very important so that is why I'm screaming at you again...PASSPORT RULES ARE CHANGING. AS OF DEC. 31, 2006 YOU WILL NOW NEED A VALID US PASSPORT TO TRAVEL TO MEXICO.
IF YOU WANT TO GO ON THIS CRUISE AND YOU DO NOT YET HAVE A PASSPORT...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR...GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GO APPLY FOR YOUR PASSPORT...This will give you something to do while you're waiting for full details to be posted about this cruise.

So tomorrow I'll be getting up at the crack of dawn and driving 2 hours with my daughter Vanessa to the show. Can't wait to shop the market. Besides that, a good majority of the girls joining us on our London trip in October will be meeting each other for the first time over lunch.
Then after lunch I've got some classes scheduled and a pajama/knitting party. In between all of this I'll be on the phone with Carnival security officials. It seems there are very specific rules in place for craft cruises...pointed scissor are not allowed to have blades longer than 4 inches. All passengers are responsible for measuring their scissor blades before dockside security checks.
Of course, there is nothing specific regarding foot long knitting skewers. I need to get someone at Carnival to produce special dispensation in writing so that I don't have some mild mannered, well intentioned security guard at embarkation being threatened within inches of his life with needles of mass destruction in the hands of dozens of insane women who have just been told that they will be able to sail with their knitting.

...and you guys all thought the travel business was an easy, glamorous cake job!
I just so excited about all this that I can't help it - I have that Cheezy 60's tune playing in my head....OOOOoooeeee baby, Won't you let me take you on a sea cruise!

I promise more photos and news from the show and full details for all you Debbie Stoller fans!!!


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